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Recently and after a long break up, I have been trying to get back into the dating game. After many champagne splashes on my face, Tinder rejections and only xx (not xxx) inside imessages, I have decided to put all of my experience into a guide! I would like to contribute this guide to picking up girls to your blog as I am sure that your readers would very much enjoy reading it and subconsciously thinking to themselves, "gosh, I feel sorry for that guy!".
I am very sorry but I did not have the time to find many images (I included a couple only) so I would be grateful if you could add some of your own.
It would be fab if you could ping me the url of the published post as I would like to show off a little in front of my Facebook friends (and hopefully land a new girlfriend!)
Well, today I'm going to teach you something that will change forever the way you Instagram.
Picture this: You wake up early in the morning, even before your alarm does.
Roll over, check your cellphone.
Hit the Instragram App.
You_re flabbergastered at what you see: Over 738 likes on one of your pictures! There, you see a flurry of likes on your pictures--over 652 on a single photo alone.
You put your soft slippers on and head to the kitchen for some coffee. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.
Bam! Another 49 likes.
And here comes another message. It's from some follower asking about your diet, and giving you daps on your sixth official month of going to the gym.
The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there's another message--this time from a young girl--thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and you are an inspiration.
As you begin to write back, your phone buzzes again.
It is another message coming in. You glance up at the clock--almost time for the gym. You will have to hit them up later.
Let's stop the simulation there. Most people have a hard time acquiring what they want in life. People can hardly get themselves to eat a good breakfast.
My job is to take people from Instagram no one to Insta-celebrity. (It sounds stupid, but results do not lie.)
Now, what if you increased your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?
Truth is, it's not the most difficult thing in the world to get more. As an example, all the old pros use our website.
In just minutes after posting, we get your images piled with likes.
If you are anything like our other valued compadres, you'll have a great chance of hitting the "Top Post" section in a very short time.
This is all great, but you've actually got to put in the work to make it happen. Actually, it's not real work.
1. Visit
2. Enter in your Instagram username.
3. 10 - 15 likes will be sent to your three most recent uploads. Just like that.
Hitting the Top Post page will 10X your Instafame. But you have got to do more than just want it--you've got to do something about it. Are you willing?