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Football is the most popular gameon the planet.
Demand massive. Hundreds of millions of fans follow games of favorite teams. Attention growing constantly.
Of course for this discipline can make bets in a bookmaker's office. Shortly tell development of football.
Development of discipline
Football appeared several centuries BC. Games with a ball were popular among inhabitants of different states. They were applied in:
• Asian countries;
• Sparta;
• on the Apennines.
Inhabitants of Italy developed sport. During the Middle Ages they created the game "Calcio". With the growth trade relations, it came to England. Interest in sport formed instantly. By Level of Interest "Calcio" surpassed cricket.
First rules
Interest public appeared not by chance. Game impressed with its dynamism. Passion on the field were significant. This permitted norms of football:
1. 2 squads.
2. 25 athletes each.
3. 15 offensive players.
4. Right to fight.
Inhabitants of Foggy Albion created their rules. At first discipline wasn't standardized. In some places allowed to throw projectile with hands, in others forbidden.
The Starting attempt to standardization was made in 1846. Conditions wanted momentary response. players from several colleges entered the field on the field as part of the tournament. Each athlete worked in accordance with acceptednorms. Outcome did not inspire optimism.
However, players were create a single regulations.
Starting standardization became positive. Attention viewers increased. According to the results in Great Britain formed the first special club. Roster named "Sheffield". It happened in 1857.
In 1863 formed The Football Association of England. It quickly adopted a standard set of norms games.
Phased improvement
Gradually discipline improved. Created requirements for the stadium. Standardized dimensions of the gate.
Important year became 1871. At that time appeared the FA Cup. Championship - oldest in the class.
1891 - time appearances in discipline penalty. However, from modern this strike is. Now shoot penalties from point. Earlier moment was done from the line.
Discipline improved. Interest grew. According to the results in the 1880s, the number of clubs exceeded 100 pieces. Among the public began to appear rumors. Many players felt that a number of rosters pay members incentives. In those days sports could be exclusively amateur.
According to the results rules changed. They added a clause prohibiting athletes have a salary.
Started wave slander. Teams wrote accusations against each other. Some clubs left the league. After time requirement cancelled.
International development
Growth of trade increased penetration of discipline to other countries. Following the results game started regulated at the supranational level. FIFA appeared in beginning of the last century. At first organization consisted of 7 countries.
Unified requirements on equipment was. Football Players was required to wear:
• hat or top hat;
• boots;
• elongated stockings;
• pants.
Normal established later. For the first time footballers played without license plates. They appeared only in 1939.
First international tournament held in 1900. Football included to the Olympic Games. Participated total England, France, Belgium.
Football flourished in the middle of the last century. In the world started playing high class stars.